Thursday, October 11, 2007

thing 7

technology, how i love thee, let me count the ways ...

i think people often talk about technology as if it's some passing fad or a blight on society that one day may be alleviated. but this is not the case. techonology is here. get used to it. adapt or be left behind. and really, what is the big deal? don't know how to use a computer? take a class. figure it out. small children can do it, so can you.

the thing i love about technology is the ability to have the world at your fingertips. what did we do before the internet? how did we possibly live? life must have been terribly boring and unsatisfying.

the other night i was hanging out with friends and we were reminiscing about some really bad tv show from the 80s and then when i got home i was able to find it on youtube and watch it immediately. instant gratification. and i can't tell you the number of times i have solved debates with wikipedia. okay, so maybe wikipedia isn't the greatest source of information but it is quick and accurate enough for settling friendly disputes.

i love going to someone's house and instead of lugging along several heavy photo albums with me i can just go to their computer, log onto flickr and show them photographic evidence of what i've been doing with myself for the last few years.

the unbridled power is amazing.

but i hate IMing. what a waste of time. most people write a whole lot of nothing, using abbreviations and acronyms that i don't understand.

the other day i got to play around with someone's iPhone. boy was i jealous. he showed me his pics on iPhoto and how he could zoom in to amazing detail just by dragging his fingers.

don't even get me started on how much i love iTunes. it's so organized. it's like a librarian created it. but probably not.

and even though everyone gets all up in arms about the evils of myspace, i love myspace. i like reading my friends bulletins, which are mostly silly but sometimes informative. i like getting messages from people i knew years ago and then deliberating on whether or not i want to respond. and what is more fun that taking pictures of you and your friends and then saying, "oooh, that would make a great myspace photo!"

so in conclusion .... technology is good. embrace it, you'll like it. you have no other choice.


Haydee Camacho said...

Hi Library Land,

Lots of good insights.

Yes, it's hard to imagine life before computers, cell phones, etc. Maybe the pace of life was slower then? Or does technology just give us more things to do--Does it fill a void or do we adapt to it?

Sherwood said...

Eloquent defence of the technology.